Monday, July 10, 2006

Yes, I'm Still Alive (But Only Barely)

Hey guys. It's been a busy couple of weeks here. Moving went about as well as it could have. Nothing was destroyed along the way. I'm assuming that everything reached its destination, but since I'm still pretty far from being totally unpacked, it's hard to say. I haven't had internet access at my place yet (Verizon turns it on this Thursday, Thank God!), so I've had to resort to using a work computer to check my e-mail and stuff as I can. Thought I'd use it for a moment to check in.

I've spent the little free time I've had getting this place in order, but have encountered the minor setbacks along the way. I have to re-caulk the bathroom tub downstairs since whoever did it before did a horrible job and water leaks every time you take a shower. They may not have cared much for this happening - I do. I'm convinced that the people who lived here before me were the laziest people on the face of the Earth. Not that I'm the Crowned Prince of Motivation, mind you, but I at least make an effort to keep my shit clean.

In the little more than a week that I've been here my power has gone out twice (I hope that this isn't a usual thing here in the neighborhood) and my cable is out as we speak (and that was only hooked up this past Saturday!). I'm really hoping that this is all the bullshit I'll have to endure with my utilities.

Other than that, I'm totally digging this place and I can honestly say that once I've put everything in order and gotten everything cleaned up, etc., it will be a very swingin' pad.

Alright, gotta get back to work. Bob Vila can kiss my ass!

P.S. - The All-American Rejects' "Move Along" kicks ass - check it out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HE LIVES!!! Moving, unpacking boxes, cleaning up other peoples ick sucks - maybe that's why I still live where I do....hummm. But Hey, you don't have to do it again soon and you have a cool new place with a big yard. I definetly heard the word "party" somewhere along in there too. I'm glad your getting settled and putting your stamp on your new place (kinda like a marking your territory ;~D )

9:15 PM  
Blogger Beeblette said...

Yo, Bob Vila would be PROUD! I'm so happy to hear that you're diggin your new place already. Is Jake feeling at home yet? Good to hear from you!

7:58 AM  

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