Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Kids Are Fun

I'm totally digging being an uncle. It's even better now that my brother and sister in-law have moved back to this area from Pittsburgh. With them living in PA, I hadn't had much of a chance to spend any time with my nephew. And now I have a neice, as well. She's only a few months old and still doesn't quite understand what an Uncle Pat is, but my 2 year old nephew (pictured here in my police car) is all about Uncle Pat.

He's at that age right now where he's completely obsessed with keys and cars. Every time I see him, he must hold on to my car keys. And if he has the chance, he wants to get in my car and play. He totally digs playing in my police car ever since I showed him how to turn the lights and stuff on. I won't show him how to turn on the siren because it's pretty damn loud and I don't need to go scaring the bejezzes out of the poor kid. I had the worst time trying to explain to him that the MDC (mobile data computer) in my police car doesn't play the same Blue's Clues game that my brother apparently has for him on their computer at home. But so as not to toally disappoint the guy, I let him talk on my (turned off) police radio.

My brother told me that me Jack, my nephew, likes to play with his daddy's SWAT stuff, so I got mine out of the trunk so he could have some fun. Unfortunately his little head wouldn't be able to support the weight of my Kevlar helmet, 'cause that would've made for a kick ass picutre, but here he is with Uncle Pat's vest on. Although I'm not sure I want little Jack to go following in the footsteps of his dad and his Uncle Pat and getting into police work, I'm glad that he's having fun playing junior cop. He does look like he's ready to kick in some doors, though, doesn't he? "Freeze scumbag! Bring me some juice!"


Blogger Beeblette said...

He is, without a doubt, unbelievably ADORABLE... ESPECIALLY in his swat gear!

You are the coolest uncle. :)

8:58 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

How cute is he?? Oh my god. I want to squeeze him! hehe

Can I have an Uncle Pat, too? :)

10:14 PM  

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