Friday, June 02, 2006

Getting Back To Normal

First of all, thanks to everyone who left comments, sent e-mails and the like regarding my dad. I appreciate it.

The past couple of weeks have almost been a blur. Between hospital visits, working a lot and making every second of what little free time I've had count, I sometimes don't know where the time has gone. I had to look at the calendar a bunch of times today before it sunk in that it was actually June.

But things are starting to get back to normal. Or at least the small amount of normalcy that my life usually has. Work is still keeping me exceptionally busy, but at least I'm getting into some really good cases (which, sadly, I can't discuss here right now), so I'll enjoy working on that stuff. The amount of silly bullshit that my bosses have me doing has dropped significantly - I guess the bullshit well is running dry, but I won't complain about that.

With things (sort of) slowing down, I get to look forward to some goof off time. I'm all about that, as we all know. I'm thinking that tomorrow would be a good time to take a few hours to play music really loud, perhaps watch stupid TV, or even do a whole lot of nothing. I'm sure I'll come up with a good way to pass the time.

Anyhow, I should be able to get back to posting on a somewhat regular basis. So stay tuned mi amigos, you never know what happens next.


Blogger Lisa said...

YEY! glad you're back! Didja read the exciting news? I got laid (off)! hah
I am thrilled to bitty pieces. A two week severance package never looked so good.

Anyway, happy that things are settling down a tad. And now that I shall have some free time, perhaps we can do that Reiki session I promised, hmmm?

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back to Normal! I haven't quite figured out what that is but welcome to it :) Go 'Canes!!!

8:53 AM  

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