Monday, June 12, 2006

I'm All About A Rant

You know, despite what anyone might think, I'm not always that negative a guy. I do, at times, try to see the positive in things. For example, I played golf today, drank several tasty beers and now I'm watching the hockey game while chowing down on some of the best buffalo wings on the planet. Now if that's not positive, I don't know what is.

Having said that, I do feel the need to make some remarks about an article I read in the news today.

I read a piece about how Army troops have been deployed to the U.S. / Mexico border in and attempt to curtail the illegal border crossings. Well, "officially," the troops are there to do various other tasks such as road repair, and the like, but are not permitted to detain migrants. Right, we're really going to send military troops to the border in order to fix some roadways. Sure. But you know what? I don't care what kind of ridiculous reason is given. I'm glad they're there and I'm glad that they're having some impact on the illegal crossings.

Let me tell you folks, I deal with illegals EVERY SINGLE DAY. And that's no exaggeration. I've arrested illegals for all kinds of stuff ranging from misdemeanor theft to felony assault and attempted murder. I've said this before, and I'll say it again ('cause I actually still mean it). I have no problems with "Hard Working Julio" who wants to make a better life for him and his family. I could care less about his immigration status. That is until Julio decides to be an incredible fucking asshole. You know, get incredibly drunk, start a fight and stab some other dude in the left eye (yeah, that's kind of happened before - sorry for being so graphic). I have a huge problem with Julio when he acts like that.

My point (I, do, occasionally, have one), is this. People actually had the nerve to complain that the troops' presence at the border crossing was really deterring the immigration. Really? You don't say? Um, perhaps I'm totally missing the point here, but, um, wasn't that the whole fucking point?! Why do people feel the need to complain about steps being taken to make sure that people don't go breaking laws? And it's not even that I'm some big flag waving, incredibly zealous, patriot. I'm really not. I love my country, but I also love good common sense.

I just couldn't imagine moving to a foreign country and expecting them to bend over backwards to accommodate me and my American friends. If I gathered an ass-load of my friends and family together and decided to move to Prauge, we would most certainly learn Czech. Why? Because that's the fucking language of the country we've decided to live in! If we decided to pack up and move to San Salvador, the same principal would apply. I guess what I'm saying is this: If I decided to sneak into a country and set up house, and the national language is something other than English, I would make every effort to learn the language of the land. Sure, it's bad enough that I entered the country illegally in the first place, I wouldn't make things significantly worse by insisting that the natives speak my language instead of theirs. My hypocrisy only goes but so far.

The rant, and the first intermission, is over. Go in peace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

THE 'CANES WON! THE 'CANES WON! YIPPEE!!! The only bad thing is there could be just one more game and then I'm back to being hockey-less :(

I'm 3rd Generation American but my G-Grandfather came legally, worked his ass off to bring his wife, legally, and then raised an American family. I am appalled at the gall of some, not all, of these people and their assumptions.

Good golf game???

Joyfully Hockey-full Kim

6:52 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Here here, my good man! I totally agree. If one chooses to live in a country other than one's place of origin, one might want to, oh I don't know, assimilate as best one can.

Sheesh. (I feel rather un-liberal like and I have NO problems with people wanting a better way of life and coming here to do so. But really, try to fit in, would ya? That way, you can go about your business and cops won't have to arrest ya for stupid shit.)

Peace out

8:37 AM  
Blogger Beeblette said...

You know I completely agree with you. I'm surrounded by illegals here in the city who literally, just got off of the boat yesterday who are the SAME WAY. Way back when, my husband worked for a printing company where 3/4 of the workforce was spanish/hispanic/puerto rican (whatever they want to call themselves these days) and the women there KNEW how to speak English but literally REFUSED and they TOLD him that!

I assume you've heard about Geno's in Philly? I'm all for that shit. Good for him.

9:30 AM  

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