Friday, June 16, 2006

One For The Good Guys

Here I was thinking that this week at work wouldn't be too bad since I took Monday off to play some golf. A four-day work week. That should be simple enough. WRONG!

We got slammed this week. I arrested two people Tuesday afternoon on gun charges. It was part of an on-going investigation I'm doing with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The ICE guys are a lot of fun to work with. But I'll get into that another time.

Wednesday was just all around busy with paperwork and junk like that (I could barely see my desk), but at least I managed to get out at a respectable hour and made it to Happy Hour.

Yesterday was non-stop. Early yesterday morning some fuckwad decided it would be a good idea to hit a Deputy Sheriff with his car in the parking garage of the courthouse. Fortunately the deputy wasn't seriously hurt (treated and released from the hospital). The asshole that did it was already a known violent offender and it was all a matter of time before we found him. When we did find him, which was around mid-afternoon, he led us on a brief chase (God forbid you just give up), and then slammed into a few cars before he was finally caught. In addition to already being wanted for armed robbery, he added attempted first degree murder and first degree assault on a law enforcement officer to his resume. Swell guy, indeed.

Anyhow, I found it funny that local TV news reporter Darcy Spencer, who is freakishly short, by the way, was on the scene as quickly as she was. She managed to get there with her camera crew before some of the cops did. Nice work Darcy. So, of course, I managed to get my mug on the TV news last night. I guess the 5 or so seconds I appear in the background makes me a celebrity since my phone started ringing off the hook from friends calling to say that they saw me. Yeah, I'll be hiring an agent this afternoon and joining the Screen Actors Guild on Monday.

If anyone cares to see it, you can check it out at and click on the video for the story "Man Arrested After Deputy Struck With Car." And for those of you who don't know what I look like, the only hint you'll get is that I'm tall and I'm not wearing a uniform. That should narrow it down. No autographs, please.

Oh, and as an aside, today marks my 12 year anniversary in law enforcement. Where has the time gone? Seems like only yesterday that I was a snot-nosed rookie out writing traffic tickets. Oh, wait, yesterday was much more exciting than that.


Blogger Beeblette said...

I tried to find the video but alas, it seems to have disappeared. I think I'm too late.

Happy anniversary. ;)

9:46 AM  

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