Tuesday, March 21, 2006


..... is something I've never been particularly good at. I can readily admit that I'm not always the most patient person in the world. I'm not always proud of that little character flaw, but at least I can admit it.

That being said, it's now 11:15 AM and I'm sitting here waiting for the repair guy to show up and (hopefully) fix my washing machine that decided to stop working over a week ago. If I have to go to my parents' house again to do laundry, I think I'll scream. I love you Mom, but hanging around your house for four and a half hours on a Saturday afternoon waiting for my clothes to get clean while you watch the Home Shopping Network (or whatever the hell that channel is) isn't exactly my idea of a good time. Coin laundry? Oh, I don't think so. Around these parts, it's a half a billion screaming kids and all-Telemundo-all-the-time. I'd rather keep buying new clothes than hit the coin laundry around here.

So, I've been doing my best to occupy my time during the 8AM to Noon, "Window of opportunity" when Mr. Fix-It is supposed to show up. I've vacuumed, cleaned the coffee maker, and other assorted cleaning tasks around the hacienda. Of course I've managed to screw around some, too. Spent about an hour browsing stuff on iTunes. And I decided that I'm going to buy a new amplifier for my bass guitar. Been meaning to upgrade for awhile and I think I finally found one that's worth the $. So I'll probably be heading out to the guitar store this weekend to part with some more of my hard earned cash. Worth every penny, though.

OK, time to go find something else to waste time with. He's got another half hour to get here. Tick, tock.


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