Saturday, February 25, 2006

You Can Never Have Too Many


I bought another one yesterday to replace my two year old, third generation model. And just like I said when I bought my first one - it's one of the best damn inventions known to man.

Ever since I bought my 20 GB model a couple years ago, I have used it almost on a daily basis. I bought the cassette adapter and a car mount/charger and I listen to it in my crusier at work constantly. (I still won't jump on the satellite radio bandwagon). Sadly, the one I bought 2 years ago was one of those in the batch plauged with battery issues. It's supposed to play for around 6 hours on a full charge. I'd be lucky to get 2 hours out of it. Plus, there would be times when I'd want to fast forward to the next song, only to have the iPod "reset" itself. I can't tell you how irritating it is to have to sit there and look at the Apple icon on the screen and have to wait a couple minutes for it to get it's shit together so I could continue listening to my music. I get a little impatient that way. I took it back to Best Buy twice and tried to get them to honor that product service/replacement plan that I bought along with the unit. They shipped it to God-knows-where last year and I was sans iPod for about a month. When I got it back, the paperwork they enclosed said it was tested and found to be in perfect working order. Bullshit. It still crapped out after a couple hours.

So anyway, I went back to Best Buy yesterday after work and finally broke down and got the new "Fifth Generation" iPod, 30 GB model. It's so damn cool, I can't even begin to describe it. Anyone that already owns one knows exactly what I'm talking about. I got the black one, which looks completely slick. The screen is larger, the unit is thinner and it's full color, baby! I'm totally digging how it displays the album cover art when the tracks play, too. I am, truly, a kid with his new toy.

Unfortunately I wasn't the lucky smuck that downloaded the one billionth song on iTunes. Apparently some teenager in Illinois or someplace out that way was. Lucky bastard won ten (yeah, 10!) of the 60 GB iPods, a $10,000 iTunes gift card (TEN FUCKING GRAND!!!!), and has the honor of having a scholorship established in his name at Julliard. All for downloading Coldplay's "Speed of Sound" for 99 cents. I'm not sure what I find sadder. The fact that a teenager gets all that neat shit or the fact that he didn't already own that Coldplay song. Either way, good for him, he managed to come away with some pretty nice stuff. Prick.


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