Friday, August 17, 2007

"Due To Lack of Interest, Tomorrow is Cancelled....."

"....let the clocks be reset, and the pendulums held." - from the Kaiser Chiefs' "Ruby."

I will be the first one to admit that, as bloggers go, I suck. It's been, what, a month, since my last post? Probably longer. There are times when I really wish that I had the discipline to sit down here every day and write something. Problem is, I don't always have anything terribly interesting to say. Or, at least I don't think I do.

Anyway, here's another round, of brining things up to speed.

I did have some things going on recently which would've prohibited me from really doing much in the way of regular updates here. I decided around a week or so ago that I was going to revert back to my roots. I bought a new iMac last week. The first computer I ever bought myself (eons ago, it seems) was an Apple. I loved it. Reliable, easy to use, etc. But, back in the 90's, I ran into the same glitch that many other people did. File compatibility just wasn't there. So many people were Windows users and when someone would hand me a disk with a Windows-based file on it, I was screwed. Unless I bought (what, at the time was) an expensive software package, my Mac couldn't open any of those files. So I was, more or less, forced to switch to a Windows machine. Well, these days, that just isn't the case. I can plug in flash drives that contain MS Word files and I can open and edit them very easily on my new Mac. And it didn't require a ton of extra, expensive software. Dig it. Plus, the switch made sense since I have an iPod and an iPhone which get used on a VERY regular basis. It is true what they say, Macs are much easier.

So I spent several days working on the file migration from my Dell to my Mac. Having a few thousand songs, plus photos, plus video, plus other files can take awhile to get from Point A to Point B. But I got everything I need right here in front of me on this smokin' new machine. It took me a few days to get reacquainted with the Mac OS. My computer obviously came with the newest version, OS X. I think when I had a Mac before, it was OS 7.2 or something like that. So it's a bit different from what I remember, but very cool nonetheless.

Went up to Frederick. MD a couple nights ago to see a triple bill of Collective Soul, Live and Counting Crows. What a good show. The weather was awesome, the beer was cold and the music kicked ass. Next week I'll be in Dewey Beach, DE to see the Pat McGee Band play. It's been about a year since I've seen them and it's always a good show. And, of course, I'll be at the beach, so it's win/win.

So here's a big, fat, "I'm Sorry" to anyone who has been checking in here with any frequency, looking for new material. I wish I could do better than I do. Maybe I sell myself short as a writer, but I don't always feel like I've got much to say. If I go another month like this without posting anything, I think I'm just gonna shut this thing down. We'll see how it goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would miss you if you shut down, so I won't rag on you. I do check though. Glad to see you back. You can always use Murphy as a topic! I'm back at work part time - gotta love that paycheck! Kids go back to school soon yada yada yada!

9:32 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Yes, and I too check in periodically to say what a slack ass you are! hehe
Glad to hear you're doing well. I'm jealous of your mac. I think my next laptop will be of the apple variety.

Hugs and lugs!

9:07 PM  

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