What About When Bulidings Fall? What About that Midnight Phone Call?
Today's title lyric brought to you by Carbon Leaf's "What About Everything." One of the best songs I've ever heard. Check it out.
I actually have a week off from work! Holy shit, what am I gonna do?!
This is my Wednesday/Thursday week (every other week I only work Wednesdays and Thursdays). I needed to take off on Thursday since I'm going to see The Fray, and figured I might as well take off Wednesday and enjoy not having to throw a uniform on for a whole week.
I got up at an ungodly early hour this morning, which I suppose is good since when I do go back to work, it's on the day shift. I figure I'll make good use of the time. When I'm finished writing this, I'll take the trash out and then washing my dirtier-than-shit Jeep. I'm still trying to figure out how something that sits in my driveway a majority of the time can get so dirty. Oh well.
Murphy has a vet appointment this morning. He managed to rip off his du claw on his right leg last week. And he couldn't do it during "normal business hours," of course not. So he had to go the emergency vet. Fortunately they didn't rape my wallet like I expected they would. Today he just gets a follow-up with the normal vet to make sure everything is good. It looks fine, so I don't anticipate any issues. It's hard to believe that I've only had him 2 months now. Feels like he's been around a lot longer than that. Big dogs rock!
I'm still a little shorthanded at work. My guy that was involved in the Memorial Day shooting is still on administrative leave. All we're waiting on now if for the Grand Jury to clear him. I'm told that the State's Attorney's Office will probably present the case to the GJ this week, and we hope to have him restored to full duty by the end of the week. Of course, I find it ironic that he'll be back to work in time to go on vacation. He's scheduled to be off for about 2 1/2 weeks in July. Lucky bastard gets the better part of two months off. But he's a good guy and we can't wait to have him back out on the road. I know he's anxious to get back out, too.
The Washington Capitals unveiled their new uniforms last Friday. I gotta say, they look pretty cool. I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew they were going to go for a more "old school" look. They pulled that off and still managed to keep a modern look about them. I'm sure I'll be ordering mine pretty soon. The free agent market opens up soon. I can't wait to see who's going where. More importantly, I can't wait to see who the Caps pick up.
That's it for today, chums. Before I forget, Kim, you need to 'splain the whole hospital thing. I hope all is well.
I actually have a week off from work! Holy shit, what am I gonna do?!
This is my Wednesday/Thursday week (every other week I only work Wednesdays and Thursdays). I needed to take off on Thursday since I'm going to see The Fray, and figured I might as well take off Wednesday and enjoy not having to throw a uniform on for a whole week.
I got up at an ungodly early hour this morning, which I suppose is good since when I do go back to work, it's on the day shift. I figure I'll make good use of the time. When I'm finished writing this, I'll take the trash out and then washing my dirtier-than-shit Jeep. I'm still trying to figure out how something that sits in my driveway a majority of the time can get so dirty. Oh well.
Murphy has a vet appointment this morning. He managed to rip off his du claw on his right leg last week. And he couldn't do it during "normal business hours," of course not. So he had to go the emergency vet. Fortunately they didn't rape my wallet like I expected they would. Today he just gets a follow-up with the normal vet to make sure everything is good. It looks fine, so I don't anticipate any issues. It's hard to believe that I've only had him 2 months now. Feels like he's been around a lot longer than that. Big dogs rock!
I'm still a little shorthanded at work. My guy that was involved in the Memorial Day shooting is still on administrative leave. All we're waiting on now if for the Grand Jury to clear him. I'm told that the State's Attorney's Office will probably present the case to the GJ this week, and we hope to have him restored to full duty by the end of the week. Of course, I find it ironic that he'll be back to work in time to go on vacation. He's scheduled to be off for about 2 1/2 weeks in July. Lucky bastard gets the better part of two months off. But he's a good guy and we can't wait to have him back out on the road. I know he's anxious to get back out, too.
The Washington Capitals unveiled their new uniforms last Friday. I gotta say, they look pretty cool. I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew they were going to go for a more "old school" look. They pulled that off and still managed to keep a modern look about them. I'm sure I'll be ordering mine pretty soon. The free agent market opens up soon. I can't wait to see who's going where. More importantly, I can't wait to see who the Caps pick up.
That's it for today, chums. Before I forget, Kim, you need to 'splain the whole hospital thing. I hope all is well.
Poor Murphy :( Poor Pat's wallet!! The new Caps Uniform is nice, but better in white then red IMHO. Thanks for the music selection. I have been enjoying Paul McCartney's "Memory Almost Full" these days. Also just got XM for indoor and loving it!!!
As for the hosp., I had spinal fusion surgery 6/12 and am the proud owner of 6 brand spanking new titanium screws, 2 titanium rods about 4 inches long, and a lovely new scar about 6 inches long. All it cost me was a simple donation of my own bone matter :) What a bite in the a%% ;) I am home torturing my children as I can't bend, lift or twist, I think I will rename them Step and Fetch. Actually they are being great. So if you see a crabby 40+/- woman with a walker - be careful, it might be me!!!
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