Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I Dig Spring


I capitalized on the great weather today, and the fact that I didn't have to work, to get some much needed yard work done. Late last year I removed two trees from in front of my house which I'm convinced had been dead longer that Abe Lincoln. When I did that, however, the front of my house looked exceptionally bare. So I knew that once Spring rolled around, I would have my work cut out for me.

So today I got up at a respectable hour and zipped down to the Home Depot to pick up some plants, flowers, mulch and edging so that I could make the joint look nice. Several hours, beers and gallons of sweat later, I don't mind telling you it looks kick ass. I only did one side of the front porch today and will do the rest this weekend. But having only done one side of it made a world of difference. I'm quite pleased with myself.

In other news, I finally received word that I'm approved to adopt a dog from the organization I applied with back in the beginning of February. I appreciate the fact that they are a volunteer organization, but taking two months to decide if I'm a worthy candidate to adopt is ridiculous. And if they were really that backed up processing applications, all they needed to do was let me know. I'm a fair guy, but not hearing anything for weeks at a time is just stupid.

Anyhow, the next step in the process involves another person getting in touch with me (the e-mail they sent last Thursday said "within the next few days," but I'm still waiting for a call or e-mail) and I tell her which dogs I'm most interested in from the website. I have a list of about 5 dogs, but I really have my sights set on one in particular. But since he may no longer be available by the time I'm ready to bring a dog home, I have to have alternates. If the dogs I'm interested in are still available, I have to contact the people who are currently fostering them to arrange a day to come out and see him. If all goes well, I come home with my Great Dane. I'm realistically another couple weeks away from actually seeing a dog, much less bringing one home, but hopefully I'll have a new addition to the family soon. I'm in the home stretch now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any time you feel the need to do yard work COME TO MY HOUSE! I swear the theme from the Addams Family plays when you drive up the driveway :) With the dog who eats everything, 4 kids and the fact that I detest yard work, well I'm quite glad I live in the woods! What does "your" dog look like? Fawn, Brindle etc??. cropped?? Enquiring minds live vicariously through others! Did you see Ollie's shut out on Tuesday??!! We were there for Catie's B-day, she will be, OMG, 12 on Sunday. My last game is on Sat. night, then I will be back to being Hockey-less Kim - Happy Thursday!

8:19 AM  

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